Monday, July 09, 2012

Summer memories

Life tends to drag by in the dreariness of winter but it roars by in the warmth and sun of the summer. After Russell's school year ended May 31st, we started to make arrangements and get ready for our two-week trip to the NW and B.C. It's been four years since we drove to Vancouver Island and back to the Bay, this time with three children in tow instead of one. The drive up was very difficult on the two youngest but we all adjusted to Grandpa and Grandma's house on the Island once we had a good night's sleep.

 Great-Grandma (Nana) meeting Elliott for the first time... 99 years apart!

Grandma and Camille at the Forest Discovery Museum on the Island. 

We celebrated my Dad's 65th birthday with friends and family and then spent another few days with them. Mom and Dad made sure the grandkids had a fun time- and so did we:-) My youngest sister Andrea and her husband Kris were kind to visit from Edmonton since we hadn't seen them since Christmas 2010. I had the opportunity to see a few friends in the evenings once Elliott was in bed and didn't need to be nursed, but I would have loved to see more (Tanya W and Jen K, if you're reading;-) We blitzed back down south on the I-5 later the following week and spent a few precious hours with friends as well, before attacking the Eugene-SF Bay leg of our trip. Amazingly, all the kids did great- what a blessing.

The Sunday after we returned home was Canada Day (July 1st), so that called for a grill-out and guests! We've been friends with each couple since moving here in 2004/2005 and it's been fun to see the families grow over the years. Elliott and another baby boy didn't make the picture this time. 

Not to be outdone, Independence Day was a few days later. Dan and I celebrated at the local block party with food and friends and fireworks. I had taken Camille and Elliott home early but they still didn't sleep until late due to the explosions and noise.

 A (literal) taste of summer! Fresh cherry tomatoes for our tummies and ripening squash and peas and sunflowers to come.

I was in Target last week and the 'Back to School' displays were already up. I averted my eyes and instead bought ice-cream and cones and Popsicles to continue our celebration of summer:-)