The ads for our mammoth cable carrier, Comcast, always feature cheezy compaigns like, "everyone loves to save money" and "That's Comcastic!" Yeah. Idiot proof ads.
Here in the States, analogue TV went digital on June 12th. Last week, while relaxing after 14hrs of taking care of my child, I realized that half our channels were snowy. I figured, "some sort of upgrade... give it a few days." As of yesterday, the channels were still snowy. I know you might be thinking, "who watches TV during the summer, anyway??" Well, we do. We are suckers for movies and documentaries. And it's not like we can just take a walk around the block while our child sleeps alone at home.
I called Comcast and told them our problem. So much for help... they said our basic package now only went up to a certain channel, and we'd have to pay $12 more (plus taxes) to get back our other original channels. Not Comcastic. I asked why we should stay with them and if they had any insentive deals. "Not for existing customers," she said. I declined their offer.
The problem is, we are stuck with Comcast (for high-speed internet) and I hate spotty TV reception. Those years are behind me. AT&T doesn't serve internet in our area (near a population center of a few million) because we are out of the 5-mile radius of their internet servers. Grrr.
I don't mind paying the companies their prices when I know there is a contract of what we'll receive. What I don't like is getting stiffed in the deal when the companies decide to change their mind, cut service and add fees. Two years ago when our cell phone contract ended, we decided to get a pay-per-minute plan. Until then, 25% of our bill was fees and 'government' charges.
We may be one of the few backwards people in this high-tech area but that's okay. We're not stuck with $140/month iPhone bills, $150/month Comcast package 'deals,' and certainly not any other tech deal.
And life is still worth living!
6 years ago