Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Week #23! (Sorry, I couldn't deactivate the flash.) Beanie kicks a lot and now Dan can feel the 'bumping' as well:-)


Melissa said...

How has pregnancy treated you? Get morning sickness and all the other lovely things that come w/it? Your hair is really getting long. Think you'll cut it when baby is born, ya know, low maintenance.

Dan & Hillary and little Russell said...

Hi, Mel;
I haven't had my hair cut in almost a year- I'm just too lazy to take the time and run down to the mall. The sickness and headaches are gone now, and my body has settled into its new state. It is so crazy to see the scale numbers rise and for the first time, I'm not freaking out!

Aly sun said...

You are still not showing very much! You look great -- Alysun