Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Half Birthday, Baby Sis

Today is Camille's 1 1/2 year birthday. We never celebrated half birthdays as children but a friend of mine's birthday is today and so when Camille was born, Julie mentioned that Camille was born on her half-birthday (since October and April are six months apart...). Since then, it's a fun reminder for each family. Ironically, Julie's daughter's half-birthday is the same day as Dan's birthday in May:-)

Russell loves to help bake, so he peeled the carrots while I mixed the rest of the ingredients. The basic muffin (minus the cream cheese frosting) is a great muffin and I'll be sure to make it more often for my mid-morning coffee break. I have a pound or so of Alysun's amazing homegrown/home milled wheat that she sent to me curtesy of USPS, and the flour adds a great nutty flavor. Perfection!

Pink frosting. Is there any other color for a princess?

Camille was so mesmorized by taking the candle out and reinserting it into the cupcake that she never did eat much of it but for all the fun it provided, I'm glad we have these moments to celebrate. Life is so precious and fragile. May our children know that between the impatient replies from their parents and the demands for better behavior, they are loved with all the love we can give them.

Happy 18 months, Sister!


Melissa said...

She's a cutie! We never celebrated 1/2 b'days either.

C. Beth said...

Very sweet. It's hard to believe she's already a year and half old!

Aly sun said...

I just realized Rem's half-birthday is my nephew's third birthday making them 18 months apart. Funny how age is huge at their ages and no much at all at our ages.

Camille is a sweetie! Love the pictures.

I'll send more flour when needed. Need to keep the USPS busy.

April said...

How fun! So that means that the twins and I can celebrate half birthdays! Because mom had me in April and the twins 18 months later in October...boy did my parents plan that well or what!

Anyways, Camille is sooooo cute!

Keep up the good work!