Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Junk Mail

With exception of the month of December and all the lovely Christmas letters, cards, and pictures, most of the mail we receive is 'personalized' (i.e. personally addressed) junk mail. Yup, all the credit card applications (at least 5-6 per week), catalogs (I haven't ordered from Victoria Secret in years), and solicitations (especially the Christian non-profits). So, enough is enough. When we received a letter from the post master that our box was too full and we'd have to order a large post office box, I was/am on the war path. We will not pay for a larger box to accomodate all the junk mail.

Last fall, Dan and I listed our SSN's with the Opt-Out credit list and that has helped a lot but we still get some offers. Each time the mail comes, I sit on the couch and watch Martha Stewart and have the phone to my ear as I call the 800-numbers associated with the recently received mailings. I've found that even some companies have options listed in their menus for discontinuing magazine mailings. If they don't, I call the 'order' line and get direct, prompt service.
The recent January issue of MS Living also has an article about junk mail. The tips are listed:

1. "Opt out"- when you join a club, register for a conference, etc., tell the organization not to sell, trade, or rent out your contact info- especially financial institutions.

2. "Donate anonymously"- at . The group will send on your donation but not your name and contact info.

3. "Wary of warranty cards"- if you must mail them in, only put on your name and address and facts about the purchase. Most warranties don't work anyway, so don't bother!

4. "Credit cards"- go to or call 888-567-8688 to end the offers (5-years or permenently.)

5. "Cancel them"- go to to search and select the catalogs you no longer want to receive. Or call the 800-number on the magazine.

So, here is to a new year of decreased junk mail. It takes a little time out of my day but since I'm only watching TV anyway, it's not too painful;-)


Cass said...

Good, good, good for you!!
Canada Post delivers far less of that junk, so we're happy ... but I remember those days of American zip codes and all that came with it!

Laura said...

Thanks for all the tips. The CC applications are the worst for me. I have used Catalog Choice and it is an easy way to manage the junk catalogs that you receive. It allows you to manage several addresses too so I can also take care of my mom's junk mail.

Aly sun said...

Great information. I will get to doing this.... soon. Yes, I should do this!